Monday, January 22, 2007

Going to the moon

"Nasa Plans Return to Moon by 2020." BBC NEWS. 19 Sept. 2005. 22 Jan. 2007

This artifact talks about NASA's plans to return to the moon by 2020. They plan on using the CEV as the cornerstone to this operation.

'"We will return to the Moon no later than 2020 and extend human presence across the Solar System and beyond," Dr Griffin said on Monday.'

The CEV was briefly discussed in that it was like the Apollo era spacecraft but a lot more advanced. They later went on about using the moon as a base for future expeditions. Using it like a launch platform away from earth, the first stop would be Mars. NASA has huge plans for the CEV and we will see if they become a reality.

1. Will the CEV need modifications to go to mars?
2. How will fueling work on the moon?

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