Monday, January 22, 2007

Shuttle goals to high

"NASA: Shuttle Goals Might Be Tough to Achieve." CNN. 10 Jan. 2007. 22 Jan. 2007

This article is about the five planned space shuttle missions for this year. The article states that this launch schedule may be too ambiguous and that they may not be able to follow this plan. This launch schedule has the highest launches per year since 2002. In 2002 there where also five launches of the space shuttle. The reason for the concern is the prep time for the space shuttle.

The problem is NASA's ability to get each of the three shuttles in shape to fly again so soon after each returns home from space."

The launches are planed so the ISS can come closer to completion. Although there is much doubt we will see if the five launches will go according to plan in 2007.

1. How long is the prep time for a space shuttle?
2. Is the CEV prep time shorter?
3. What do they do during this prep time?

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